
Emergency Quick Contacts

If you need urgent help and/or your life is being threatened, call Triple Zero (000) now.

NSW Rape Crisis
• 1800 424 017

Domestic Violence Line
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
• Free call 1800 656 463
• Translating and Interpreting Services: 13 14 50

A national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
• Phone: 1800 737 732

Safety and Wellbeing

Welcome to your Safety and Wellbeing Portal, where you can access information and resources about a range of topics, from wellness tips and looking after yourself while studying, to more serious subjects such as any safety concerns you may have.

Your safety and wellbeing are our top priorities, and we want to ensure you have the knowledge and tools to prioritise and nurture your mental and physical health. You can also use the confidential Incident report form on this page to report any safety incidents, and to seek support.


Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Procedure


If you are in an emergency, call Triple Zero (000).

Have you experienced something at Wentworth Institute of Higher Education that made you feel unsafe or uncomfortable?

You can report anonymously if you prefer.