1. Overview
Wentworth Institute of Higher Education Pty Ltd (“WIN Higher Education”) acknowledges the need for clear and effective credit arrangements to increase opportunities for students to access education, improve student mobility between sectors and institutions, and increase the pathways into and between qualifications through Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Granting Credit and RPL ensures that students commence study at a level that appropriately recognises their prior learning experiences and are not required to repeat equivalent learning successfully undertaken in another context. Credit, RPL or relevant recognised skills must be consistent with the Qualification Standards and must preserve the integrity of the higher education award to which it applies.
WIN Higher Education is committed to develop open and accessible guidelines to grant Credit and RPL that is relevant, current, and equivalent to the learning required for WIN Higher Education’s academic programs and courses. WIN Higher Education’s policy on the granting of Credit and RPL is based on the following broad principles:
- WIN Higher Education will recognise prior learning, and grant credit for that learning, provided it is relevant, current, and equivalent to the learning required for WIN Higher Education’s academic programs and courses, and in accordance with this policy.
• Determining equivalence requires academic judgement based on relevant and appropriate evidence provided by the student of the prior learning.
• Giving credit should not compromise the integrity of qualification outcomes and discipline requirements.
• This policy and any related procedures will be consistent with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) and Higher Education Standards Framework (HESF).
Credit in accordance with TEQSA, is a benefit provided to a student by waiving one or more of the normal requirements for completion of a course of study, such as not having to complete a particular unit of study. Credit is obtained based on evidence that the student has already undertaken learning that is deemed to be equivalent to the parts of the course of study for which credit has been granted.
Recognition of Prior Learning is defined in the Australian Qualifications Framework as a process through which eligibility for the award of credit is assessed, through assessment of formal, informal and non-formal learning. This process is grounded in evidence-based academic judgement about equivalence of learning. In practice, RPL may result in overarching standing credit transfer arrangements with other providers.
• Applications based on work experience is not considered at WIN Higher Education.
• Academic credit – all subjects at WIN Higher Education attracts 10 credit points per subject.
2. Granting of Credit
2.1 General
- Entry to WIN Higher Education’s courses is based on specific published entry criteria and decisions regarding student selection will be in accordance with Student Selection and Admissions Policy and Procedure.
• An offer of credit or RPL does not guarantee admission into a specific course.
• The assessment of the amount of credit or RPL to be granted in particular courses and the awarding of credit to individual student shall be determined within the framework of this policy. The Dean or nominee will determine which specific subject will be granted credit or RPL.
• Regardless of the credit or RPL granted, the requirements of each course must be fulfilled.
• Credit or RPL will be granted for specified subjects in a course of study as long as the integrity of the higher education award is preserved.
• Candidates for an award from WIN Higher Education are required to complete a minimum amount of the course through WIN Higher Education. The total credit granted for prior learning external to WIN Higher Education shall not exceed 67% of the total credit points required for the award toward which credit is sought. The 67% may comprise a mixture of credit and RPL.
• Credit or RPL granted for a specific course cannot automatically be transferred from one course to another.
2.2 Credit for formal studies
- Credit will not normally be granted for formal study completed more than five years prior to application unless there is evidence of continued relevance of this study for the course towards which credit is sought.
• Credit may be granted for the successful completion of:
o subjects of learning which form part of a structured academic program which would lead to either:
* an AQF higher education award or international equivalent; or
* an AQF Diploma or Advanced Diploma, provided the student has completed the program as well as the subject.
o subjects of learning that take place through a structured program that did not lead to a formally recognised qualification.
o non-award courses offered by a recognised higher education institution.
o accredited courses with a vocational training provider.
o courses provided by a recognised professional association or other similar body.
o recognised training delivered by employers or other similar training.
• Credit shall be granted where there is a demonstrable correlation with content and/or learning outcomes of the WIN Higher Education subject for which credit is claimed.
• Credit for subjects in certain professionally accredited courses (eg Accounting and HR courses) can only be given for subjects that are considered to be equivalent in a course at another accredited institution.
• When assessing credit for formal studies the following will be taken into account:
o the general educational practices and standards of the provider(s) or any accreditation obtained by such provider that may be relevant to the course under consideration;
o the objectives of the particular course and the methods adopted to achieve those objectives;
o admission requirements to the course including English entry requirements;
o the duration of the course, having regard to entry requirements and course objectives;
o the breadth, depth and balance in the course material involved and the intellectual effort required;
o the methods and content of assessments;
o the relative emphasis on the teaching of skills in relation to the study of the discipline;
o any arrangements for practical training and experience as part of the course.
2.3 Credit transfer
- Credit transfer may be granted when a student has completed subjects while undertaking a course with WIN Higher Education and wishes to transfer to another course within WIN Higher Education.
• Credit will be granted for those subjects already undertaken which form part of the course into which the student is transferring.
• The maximum credit that can be granted in these circumstances is not limited; however, the structure of the course will need to be considered.
3. Applications
An application for credit must be made on the appropriate form at the time of application for admission to a course. The application should be accompanied by sufficient documentary evidence to support the application.
Note that applications based on work experience is not considered at WIN Higher Education.
Assessment of the application will be undertaken by the Dean or nominee who will then advise the Registrar. The Registrar will review the decision made by the Dean or nominee and will notify the student in writing of the outcome of the application. A record of any credit or RPL granted will be placed on the student’s file.
It is the intention of this policy that students should be advised of the credit that is offered at the time they accept a place in a course.
Specified credit: Specified credit will be awarded when prior learning achieves expected learning outcomes equivalent to those achieved in a course offered at WIN Higher Education and the integrity of the program in which it is offered is maintained.
Unspecified credit: Unspecified credit will be awarded for work completed from another institution that is of a similar standard to work at WIN Higher Education, but for which there is no direct course equivalent.
4. International Students
If the applicant is an international student applying for a study visa, the following applies:
• Where credit is granted before the issue of a visa, the actual course duration in the eCoE issued to the student will be reduced.
• Where credit is granted after the issue of a visa, WIN Higher Education will report the change of course duration to the DIBP via PRISMS.
If an international student is granted credit that shortens their course, it remains a visa condition that they continue the actual net course duration (as reduced by course credit) as full-time study.
5. Limits on RPL
Undergraduate Courses
Generally, the maximum amount of RPL given for completed awards will be in accordance with the AQF Qualifications Pathway Policy, having taken into account 2.1.9 of the AQF policy:
- 50% credit for an Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree linked to a 3 -year Bachelor Degree;
- 5% credit for an Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree linked to a 4 -year Bachelor Degree;
- 33% credit for a Diploma linked to a 3-year Bachelor Degree;
- 25% credit for a Diploma linked to a 4-year Bachelor
The following maximum limits on RPL that can be granted in an undergraduate course (including double and combined degree courses), except as specified in clauses below, are:
- 160 credit points for a 240 credit point degree (i.e. 67 % of the degree).
- 240 credit points for a 320 credit point degree (i.e. 75 % of the degree).
- 320 credit points for a 400 credit point degree (i.e. 80 % of the degree).
If the RPL is to be counted towards an undergraduate course that is of fewer than 160 credit points in value the student must, irrespective of any RPL for which they are eligible, complete half (that is, 50%) of the total number of credit points for the course as an enrolled student of the WIN Higher Education. The exception to this is where the RPL is specified as part of an articulation pathways agreement or nested course sequence.
Postgraduate Courses
Students will not be given RPL in a postgraduate award for subjects previously studied in a Bachelor award.
The maximum RPL that can be granted towards any postgraduate program is 67% of the total credit points for the course, except when a student is progressing through a nested course sequence.